Granular certificates in Europe

Making clean

Making clean

Energy Track & Trace (ETT) is an ambitious cooperation around infrastructure for tracking and tracing the origins of sustainable energy from production to consumption.


Energy Track & Trace (ETT) is the tool for tracking 24/7 carbon-free energy in Europe. It is being developed by European transmission system operators and you can already use it today.

GO based

Our granular registers are based on the rules for guarantees of origin (GOs) and are developed in cooperation with the European issuing bodies (IBs).


We take into account the granularity of the energy system in geography and time. This enables local, hourly matching in line with the physics of the electricity grid.

Innovative IT approach

Our registers are based on an innovative IT stack based on blockchain and wallets and also enable the tracking of small assets.

API access

You can read and write your data in ETT via a programming interface (API). This enables customised solutions for you and automations that make your life easier.

Discover the features of Energy Track & Trace!

Discover the features of Energy Track & Trace!

Thank you

We would like to thank for the cooperation and support

ETT is also for you!

With Energy Track & Trace, we support multiple stakeholders in the field of renewable energies in driving the energy transition forward together.

Start using granular green electricity certificates for you!


With Energy Track & Trace, we want to make a valuable contribution to better integrating renewables into the electricity system and creating more transparency around sustainability

Better integration of renewables

  • Establishment of a suitable price signal for green electricity

  • Incentives for storage investments and consumption shifting

  • Support for 24/7 carbon-free energy strategies through tracking

Increasing transparency in the power system

  • Precise and granular tracking of the origin of electricity

  • Determination of individual market-based CO2 emissions

  • Greater acceptance of the energy transition

Improving guarantees of origin

  • Establishing of granular certificates as pioneers

  • Anticipate the upcoming regulation

  • Enabling rapid implementation across Europe


Energy Track & Trace is a valuable tool for ambitious companies that want to contribute to decarbonising the energy system


Would you like to find out what’s currently happening with granular certificates? Read our blog!

Join us

Our registries are already available in Belgium, Denmark and Germany. If you are interested in granular certificates, you can test the registries now. Join us and become part of the ETT community.

About us

ETT is a co-operation of the transmission system operators 50Hertz (Germany), Elering (Estonia), Elia (Belgium) and Energinet (Denmark).

As regulated companies, we are independent and primarily committed to the energy system. We are jointly implementing ETT in our countries because we are convinced that granular certificates help to make the energy transition a success.

Get a user of ETT

Our registers are already available in Belgium, Denmark and Germany. If you are interested in granular certificates and would like to find out more, please contact us. Together we can discuss how ETT can help you achieve your goals. We look forward to hearing from you!