ETT papers

In our papers, we regularly deal with individual topics relating to granular certificates and present them in detail.

Coordinating ETT with the EU GO scheme

This paper outlines a proposed coordination method that will serve as a basis for audits of ETT which will be carried out by EnergyTag.

Locational matching of granular certificate

This paper describes and assesses the locational matching rules under consideration and draws conclusions for the ETT prototype.

System benefits of granular certification

This paper investigates ways in which Granular Certification can impact the power system compared to the current GO scheme.

Architectural concepts and insights

Greenpaper – description of the approach to deliver it-infrastructure facilitating Granular Certificates at market resolution.


In regular meetings for you as a partner, we present our goals and the current status. You can find the presentations here.

Energy Tag Webinar April 2024

Presentation from Energy Tag Webinar held April 18th 2024.

Partner meeting June 2023

Presentation from partner meeting held June 15th 2023.

Partner meeting March 2023

Presentation from partner meeting held March 22nd 2023.

Partner meeting December 2022

Presentation from partner meeting held December 15th 2023.

Partner meeting September 2022

Presentation from partner meeting held September 15th 2022.

Partner meeting May 2022

Presentation from partner meeting held May 25th 2022.

Customer Workshop November 2021

Energy Track & Trace aims co-create and harmonize digital solutions that allow all grid users to track the origin of renewable energy.

Kick-off September 2021

Energy Track & Trace aims co-create and harmonize digital solutions that allow all grid users to track the origin of renewable energy


A broad community deals with granular certificates. We recommend these scientific publications from other groups.

ENTSO-E publication on Guarantees of Origin

In July 2022, ENTSO-E published a position paper regarding views on a future-proof market design for GOs.

Princeton University Zero Lab study

November 2021, Princeton University published a report on System-level Impacts of 24/7 Carbon-free Electricity Procurement.